Every year, countless individuals fall prey to Ponzi schemes, losing substantial amounts of money in the process. These fraudulent investment strategies lure victims with promises of high returns with little risk. Understanding Ponzi schemes and their telltale signs...
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Financial Fraud
How do wire and mail fraud differ?
Fraud comes with hefty penalties no matter what form it comes in. Two of the most common and categorically related types of fraud include wire and mail fraud. However, these two types have many things that differentiate them, too. The basis of fraud The United States...
What if your broker offers inappropriate financial advice?
When you hire a financial professional, you rely on them to provide insight into the investments you will make. You also trust them to present you with investments that will help you achieve your long-term financial goals. Suppose a financial professional advises you...
Has your broker made unauthorized trades?
When you hire a broker to manage your account, you entrust them with a great deal of power over your investments. However, your wishes and your goals should still be central to the transactions they make on your behalf. If they make trades without your approval, that...
What kind of damages might a fertility fraud claim involve?
The cost of fertility services are worth it for many families when they welcome their baby into the world. However, when a fertility center does not uphold its duty to its clients, that negligence or breach of promise often adds to the financial and emotional strain...
What is “failure to supervise”?
When you enlist financial professionals to manage your investments, you rely on every level of that company — from your individual broker to the firm they work for — to uphold their responsibilities. However, if your broker is negligent when managing your investments,...
What duty do investment advisors owe their clients?
When you choose a financial professional to manage your investment portfolio, you trust them with a great deal of power over the direction of your investments and your future returns. As a result, your advisor has a significant number of responsibilities that they...
Has churning impacted your investment portfolio?
You rely on your investment account manager to make decisions with your best interest in mind. However, not every broker fulfills their duty to their clients. One potential concern is churning, an illegal practice where brokers make excessive purchases and sales....